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Een eigen Engels liefdesgedicht aan ons voorleggen?
Mail ons uw eigen gedicht(en) en mogelijk komt u de eer toe, uw gedicht(en) te tonen aan heel veel medelanders.Engelse liefdesgedichten & gedichtjes 3
Breng iemand op wie u verliefd bent of van wie u houdt uw liefde over via Engelse liefdesgedichten en korte Engelse liefdesgedichtjes. Uw liefde tonen aan hem of haar via een liefdesgedicht is een van de meest speciale manieren om liefde over te brengen, iets wat dus ook in het Engels kan, of misschien wel juist!... Engelstalige gedichten en kleine korte gedichtjes, over vlinders in de buik, trouw, een hart dat sneller klopt, (gelaten) tranen, gevoelens; de mooiste en meest gevoelige engelse liefdesgedichtjes zijn door ons voor U geselecteerd.
As long as I live
and with each day we share
I'll do anything for you
I'll go anywhere....
As long as forever
my love will be true
and as long as I live
I'll love only you
I could draw it in the sand
I could write it in the sky
Or print it on a billboard
you'd see as you drive by
I could ice it on a cake
Or just leave a little clue
What I really want to tell you is...
I love you!
- ingezonden
door Loes -
Silently I whisper while you're next to me
Happiness is gathered in love eternally
If I die and go to heaven
I put your name on a golden star
So that all the angels can see
How much you mean to me
The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched;
They must be felt with the heart...
There are no words
to express what I feel for you
There are no songs
as beautifull as the music
that fills my soul
when I hear your voice
There are no roses
as lovely as your smile
There are no days
brighter than the days
I spend with you
Nothing moves me
like you do
You are my light
in the darkness
And there could never be words
strong enough to express
my love for you
- ingezonden
door Kristel -
You can fall from a mountain
You can fall from a tree
But the best way to fall
Is in love with me
- ingezonden
door Fietje NoNo -
Someone, somewhere, dreams of your smile
and finds your presence in life so worthwhile
So when you're lonely, remember it's true
that someone, somewhere, is thinking of you!
- ingezonden door
Claudia -