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Een eigen Engels liefdesgedicht aan ons voorleggen?
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Breng iemand op wie u verliefd bent of van wie u houdt uw liefde over via Engelse liefdesgedichten en korte Engelse liefdesgedichtjes. Uw liefde tonen aan hem of haar via een liefdesgedicht is een van de meest speciale manieren om liefde over te brengen, iets wat dus ook in het Engels kan, of misschien wel juist!... Engelstalige gedichten en kleine korte gedichtjes, over vlinders in de buik, trouw, een hart dat sneller klopt, (gelaten) tranen, gevoelens; de mooiste en meest gevoelige engelse liefdesgedichtjes zijn door ons voor U geselecteerd.
I don't know what day it is
I can't recall the season
I don't remember how we got this far
All I know is I am loving you
For all the right reasons
In my sky you'll always be
my morningstar
- Gary Louis, The
Jayhawks -
The wind blows through your hair
It seems you're having fun
Although the wind teases you everywhere
You just enjoy it like the sun
The sun
shines all over your skin
It looks likes it's doing you good
Although the sun embraces you like a spin
You're just in a tender mood
The mood
you're in is breathless
Like you're expecting something soon
Perhaps something like happiness
Look up, it's written in the moon
The moon
lights you up all night
Stars are coming from above
Both taking care of you, oh so tight
Just as I give you all my love
My love
surrounds you, caring all day
Like a tulip, a rose or an orchidee
I respect you in such a descend way
Yes, the one who loves you is ME !!
- Erwin
Boussery; ingezonden door Ingrid -
There will be no goodbyes for us
just a promise that no matter what happen
we will be friends forever!
It's the little things
that mean so much
A hug from a friend
a tender touch
A note from a friend
that's far away
Always seems to
brighten the day!
I've seen angels in the sky
I've seen snow falling in july
I've seen things you can imagine or do
I still haven't seen anything sweeter than you
- ingezonden
door Femke de Souter -
Little deeds of kindness
Little words of love
Make from our earth an Eden
Like the Heaven above
- ingezonden door Sanne -
Would you die just to be with me?
Would you cry just to see me?
Would you come if I asked you?
And would you show me you're true?
Would you say that you'd never leave me?
Would you say that you'd never disseave me?
So that I know you're true
And so that I can spend my life with you?
- ingezonden
door Vicky -